The Rabbit Tricks The Hyena And Steals His Guinea Corn

A Konkomba Folktale - Naaja Bilinyi
Uploaded by DemarginalisingOrature at 2/26/2024 - recorded at 3/17/2022


Naaja Bilinyi


Demarginalising orature: This Likpakpaln narration is part of a series of folktales. These folktales belong to a minority group in Ghana and our project aims at demarginalizing those narrations faithfully. The video is linked and embedded within a TEI-file of the translated narration. The project was funded by ELFF and KAAD. The project is realized by the Centre for Translation Studies at HHU (Düsseldorf, Germany). This is only a cut version of the folktale. If you want to take a look at the whole folktale, you can check out the project's blog.



  • mp4-Version - hohe Qualität with dimensions 1280 x 720 pixels
  • webm-Version - hohe Qualität with dimensions 1280 x 720 pixels
  • mp4-Version - mittlere Qualität with dimensions 854 x 480 pixels
  • webm-Version - mittlere Qualität with dimensions 854 x 480 pixels
  • mp4-Version - niedrige Qualität with dimensions 640 x 360 pixels
  • webm-Version - niedrige Qualität with dimensions 640 x 360 pixels


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