A Cat Saves an Old Lady from a Troublesome Wolf

A Konkomba Folktale - Yajonignan
Uploaded by DemarginalisingOrature at 7/12/2023 - recorded at 3/16/2022




Demarginalising orature: This Likpakpaln narration is part of a series of folktales. These folktales belong to a minority group in Ghana and our project aims at demarginalizing those narrations faithfully. The video is linked and embedded within a TEI-file of the translated narration. The project was funded by ELFF and KAAD. The project is realized by the Centre for Translation Studies at HHU (Düsseldorf, Germany). This particular folktale was part of an exam.



  • mp4-Version - hohe Qualität with dimensions 1280 x 720 pixels
  • webm-Version - hohe Qualität with dimensions 1280 x 720 pixels
  • mp4-Version - mittlere Qualität with dimensions 854 x 480 pixels
  • webm-Version - mittlere Qualität with dimensions 854 x 480 pixels
  • mp4-Version - niedrige Qualität with dimensions 640 x 360 pixels
  • webm-Version - niedrige Qualität with dimensions 640 x 360 pixels


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