Training of IT specialists in university computer centre

Vocational Training in Germany - Nina Knipprath
Uploaded by nikni101 at 10/5/2020 - recorded at 10/5/2020


Nina Knipprath


In Germany, the so-called dual training system provides practice-oriented vocational training alongside the possibility of studying at universities and universities of applied sciences. This dual form of training is divided into a practical part in a company and a school-based part in a vocational school. At present, it is difficult to find good skilled workers in the IT sector in Germany. Vocational training at one's own location is one way of counteracting this shortage of skilled workers and improving personnel development in university computer centres. Many german universities train IT specialists in the IT sector and although there is a strong overall trend towards academic training in Germany, vocational training in the IT sector is of great importance.





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If not referenced otherwise this video "Training of IT specialists in university computer centre" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License, HHU/Nina Knipprath.
