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What does e-participation mean for managers in small to medium sized cities? 20:56

What does e-participat...

by Fortschrittskol...
eParticipation research: from government platforms to new forms of interaction 19:12

eParticipation researc...

by Fortschrittskol...
Enabeling e-participation in municipal governments in brazil: 19:35

Enabeling e-participat...

by Fortschrittskol...
dedicim.barcelona: From e-participation to the devolution of souvereignty 25:06

dedicim.barcelona: Fro...

by Fortschrittskol...
Digital Citizen Engagement by the World Bank 16:51

Digital Citizen Engage...

by Fortschrittskol...
E-government potential in management of migration risks 25:23

E-government potential...

by Fortschrittskol...
Emerging Platforms for Online-Engagement in US lLocal Governments 29:00

Emerging Platforms for...

by Fortschrittskol...
How to combine online and offline Participation? 29:36

How to combine online ...

by Fortschrittskol...
Keeping Citizens Engaged: A Comparison between Online and Offline Participants 23:16

Keeping Citizens Engag...

by Fortschrittskol...
Monitoring and Evaluation of E-Participation 27:38

Monitoring and Evaluat...

by Fortschrittskol...
Evaluation of e-Participation Initiatives 25:03

Evaluation of e-Partic...

by Fortschrittskol...
ICT solutions for public consultations: 21:32

ICT solutions for publ...

by Fortschrittskol...